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2017 Spring Haunted vacation 

Starting April 3rd we left Florida on a week long haunted vacation. We are going on a road trip to stay overnight at two extremely haunted locations. On our way to these locations we will be making "PIT STOPS" at many different haunted hot spots that we will be LIVE Streaming on Facebook.

'PIT Stops" are locations that we are stopping at and filming short videos on our way to overnight investigations. We will be showing these on Facebook LIVE upon our arrival of each location. We may not be investigating this place during the video. 
"Investigations" are  done in late nights and could be overnight investigations of very HAUNTED places. These locations are chosen by us for their active Paranormal situations or Historic properties.

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Update 3-18-17 
Our first "PIT Stop" will be at Hamilton County Jail 
Update 3-19-17 
We will be leaving the state of Florida headed north to our
Update 3-28-17 
We will be staying overnight and investigating parts of the Historic Windsor Hotel. Click the image for more details.
Update 3-31-17 
One of our "PIT STOPS" is a location we filmed for the upcoming Paranormal Investigating DVD that's being made by iHorror. Which location is it? Find out later this year when the dvd is released.
Update 4-03-17 
Our 2nd "PIT STOP" is a location was at the Crime and Punishment Museum. Click on the image for more details.
Update 4-04-17
Our BIG investigation was at Old South Pittsburgh Hospital in Tennessee. Click on the image for more details.
Update 4-06-17
Another "PIT STOP" will be at the Merrill House. Click on the image for more details.
Update 4-08-17
We made a "PIT STOP" at Stone Pile Gap. Click the image for more info.
Thats a wrap on our 2017 Spring Haunted Vacation. We have lots of evidence to review. A video from OSPH will be released soon. If you would like to watch our "PIT STOP" videos like us on Facebook and watch them there.
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